Monday, December 2, 2013

Yes It Is The Redeeming Work Of Christ But His Work Can't Be As Great As This Heretic Makes It Out To Be. We Have Our Part To Play In Saving Ourselves.

What if?  Yeah right! Over and over in the following article the author (James Flanders) asks "what if" questions and encourages the reader to "imagine" some pretty unbelievable things.

Time and again the heretical writer attempts to portray Christ Jesus as one whose blood shed upon the cross has more power than the act of disobedience in the Garden of Eden.

He also once again refers to the statement of John the Baptist when he called Christ "The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" as it it is actually true! That statement only applies to those who believe, receive, are baptized, and do the appropriate religious works, primarily tithing. It does not apply to the whole "world."

Christ is the Savior, but He doesn't do all the saving. It is left to us to do our part of the saving. It's a joint effort. Christ has done His part. Now we are to do ours.

Proceed with caution as you read the article below.


What if the story of this universe has a much better ending than what you've been led to believe? What if it actually wraps up with the words, "And they all lived happily ever after?" Could it be that God's plan is more beautiful than most of us have ever realized?

Is it possible that the Only Begotten Son of God Jesus Christ will ultimately be seen by all creation as a far greater success than the religious establishment has ever given Him credit for? Do you believe there is a possibility that the time will come when Christ actually receives all that he purchase with his own blood on Calvary? Was the Apostle Paul on track when he spoke of a time coming when all people would bow in awe and adoration before the Lord as an expression of genuine and authentic love? What did the Apostle mean as he spoke of every knee bowing? What about every tongue confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father?

What would bring God more glory losing the majority of humanity forever (as taught within the confines of orthodoxy) or God reconciling all things to Himself at the end of the ages?

Imagine all things that seem so wrong in the universe eventually being made right. Imagine all who are at odds with one another and seemingly at odds with God being reconciled. When Paul the Apostle speaks of all things on earth and all things in heaven ultimately being reconciled to God, was he in the least bit on track?

Can it be possible that the work of Christ is greater than the work of Adam? What do you consider to have the farthest reaching affect, the eating of the fruit or the blood of Christ poured out upon the cross?

When the Apostle Paul talked about all dying in Adam and all being made alive in Christ did he really mean it? Is it possible that all really means all? What percentage of humanity do you believe was affected by the "fall" of Adam? Is there any reason to believe that God would be satisfied with a smaller percentage ultimately affected by the blood of His Only Begotten Son?

Was John the Baptist correct in calling Jesus "The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world?" What about the Samaritans calling Him "the Savior of the world?" What about the Apostle Paul calling him the "savior of the world." We're those statements about Christ inspired by the Spirit of God?

Jesus said, "The Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost." Who do you believe He was talking about? What percentage of humanity do you believe was lost at the "fall" of man? Do you believe that Christ is ultimately a success or a failure in what He came to do?
Do you believe that Christ is the good shepherd? If a good shepherd is not satisfied until every last sheep is brought back into the fold, how could we believe that Christ would be satisfied with less than all being redeemed?

If the good shepherd is not content with only ninety nine out of a hundred, why have we been led to believe that God will be satisfied with the vast majority of humanity remaining lost?

Do you believe that the wages of sin is death? Do you believe that the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus? Whose wages earned humanity the death that we are all born into? Whose work purchased the gift which is free for you and me?

Did the death sentence for humanity rest upon each individual believing in the existence and work of Adam in the garden?

Does the free gift in Christ rest upon what we do or what He has done?

Are you and I called the savior? Or is Christ Jesus called The Savior? If He is the Savior, what percentage of the saving is left on your shoulders? If there is even a small percentage of the saving left to you, would that make you a co-savior? Would it make Christ less than The Savior?

Think about it in very simple terms. Is it the redeeming work of Jesus Christ or a redeeming work based upon your own effort, performance, and good works?

Who does the Bible refer to as the Redeemer?

This is just a sampling of the questions that pushed me to begin to dig into the message given to Paul by Jesus Christ and which eventually took me to the place of seeing the work of Jesus as something far beyond what I had ever been led to believe growing up in church.

James Flanders is a blogger and musician (not a pastor) with a passion for proclaiming that the work of Christ is far greater than the work of Adam and that the evangel given to Paul by Jesus for the Gentiles is far more glorious than most of us have been led to believe.

Article Source:

Article Source:

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

God is at war with you regadless of what Paul says! Once more James Flanders is wrong.

How many times must I correct his errors in thought?

In a recent article, the false teacher James Flanders once more attempts to make the point that Christ is the ultimate Savior of all rather than the Savior a tiny minority (the faithful who have saved themselves through their works). In fact, he even goes as far as to say that God is at peace with humanity nor reckoning their sins against them. What hogwash?

As I examine his writings and listen to the audio messages on his site, it is becoming more apparent that the Apostle Paul was also a heretic whose writings have no place in the holy writ. His letters contain dangerous lies which when taken to mean what they say lead people like James Flanders to come to very unrealistic conclusions about Christ. In fact, it takes people such as this to the place of not understanding in the least bit the commission and calling of true Christians (which they are not).

I don't care if Paul tells us that we have been given a ministry of reconciliation, I believe we have been given a ministry of warning, and dare I say threatening the world with the unquenchable and everlasting flames of hell if they do not repent thoroughly and make themselves through good works worthy of the love and acceptance of our loving and gracious God.

The biggest threat I see today are those who focus too much on the love of God. This makes for a sappy and worthless belief system. God is not altogether love. God only loves those who first love him and offer themselves completely to him. God thoroughly hates the majority of humanity and has prepared their eternal place of unrest and sorrow and there is nothing they can do to change that fact.

I have the ministry of warning people of their eternal fate in flames, yet I also know that there is no way for them to escape for they have been predestined to burn forever for the glory of God.

God so loved the world (or so Jesus said) but he hates the majority! However, if they make the predestined free will choice to love the Lord with all their heart, they can transform the hatred of God into unconditional love based upon their own effort and religious performance.

If you have an enlightened mind you will understand that the only way to salvation is to make the free will choice to accept God's work of predestining you to make the free will choice. It is only through meriting the favor of God based upon your own goodness that you can gain the unmerited favor of God. It is all so simple really. If you are illuminated.

Some have said that I contradict myself, but that is simply because they are blind, stupid, and and hell bound.

Only the truly illuminated mind can understand that God's unconditional love comes with many conditions attached. It is only the blind and spiritually dead who cannot grasp the simple truth.

Below you will find the latest article from the aforementioned spreader of heresy. If you are truly a believer you will know that it is pure filth and a misrepresentation of all that God is.

If you agree with anything in the article, you too must consider the fact that you are hell bound and there is nothing you can do about it and that unless you make the free will decision to focus on meriting the love of God you will by no means be in God's grace ever. Only a simpleton would think that the grace of God is truly unmerited favor.

Please cautiously read the following heretical article:

Why Would You Think God Is At War With You?
Is It Possible You Are Missing An Important Message?

World War 2 ended in August of 1945. However many Japanese soldiers who had been stationed in remote island locations either did not get word. So for many years they continued to live as though they were still at war. They could have been living at peace and gone home to their families but instead they continued to live in a state of anxiousness, fear, and anxiety.

Not long ago I read about two soldiers who stepped out of the jungle to surrender sixty years after the war had ended. One of them was 85 years old and the other was 87. Can you imagine living the majority of your life as if you are at war, hiding on an island, when all the while you could have lived at peace?

When I first heard about those poor soldiers, I couldn't help but think about worldly religion and the fact that there are billions of people who are living as though God is at war with them and out to get them. As a result, they spend their life either running from God and hiding, or trying to appease Him in the hopes that He, somehow due to their own works and effort will eventually accept them. They live in fear and anxiety believing that God is an angry enemy bent on their demise. Like Adam and Eve in the Garden, they spend much of their time running and hiding from God believing He is their enemy, when in reality He is anything but an enemy. In fact He is at peace with them.

Before we look at Scripture, we are first going to look at two word meanings.

Have you ever used the words conciliate and conciliation in conversation? What about the words reconcile and reconciliation?

Reconciliation is what takes place when two people or groups who had been estranged from one another reach a point where whatever had torn them apart is set aside by both parties and they come back together.

Conciliation is a bit different.

Have you ever heard of one party wanting the relationship to be restored, going out of their way to make that point to the other, doing whatever they could possibly do to no longer be estranged, yet the other side doesn't accept it? Perhaps they believe that the actions taken by the other were not sincere. Or perhaps they simply can't let go of whatever happened in the past, therefore they refuse to reciprocate.

One side is ready and willing for the relationship to be healed and whole but the other side isn't, therefore they are not reconciled. The first party is conciliated toward the other, they are more than ready for restoration to take place, but restoration can only take place when the other party is conciliated toward them. When both sides conciliate restoration takes place. Make sense?

The point being, one side can be at peace with the other, yet because the other side for whatever reason doesn't believe it or won't accept it they continue to live at odds with the other when all the while they could be living at peace in a reconciled relationship.

My friend, God is at peace with you, whether you believe it yet or not. The cross of Calvary where Christ Jesus bled and died is a proof of that conciliation. Peace has been made through the cross. I encourage you to begin living in that reality.

Take a look at these verses from the Apostle Paul in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verses 18-21.

"Yet all is of God, Who conciliates us to Himself through Christ, and is giving us the dispensation of the conciliation, how that God was in Christ, conciliating the world to Himself, not reckoning their offenses to them, and placing in us the word of the conciliation. For Christ, then, are we ambassadors, as of God entreating through us. We are beseeching for Christ's sake, 'Be conciliated to God!' For the One not knowing sin, He makes to be a sin offering for our sakes that we may be becoming God's righteousness in Him."

The cross of Christ was God proving or demonstrating His heart of conciliation toward all humanity. The message we are to take to the world is the message of this conciliation. We are to encourage others to be conciliated toward God so that reconciliation will take place and they can begin to live in peace resting in the grace of God.

If we miss the point that God was conciliating the world to Himself through the cross, not reckoning their offenses to them, I believe we are missing a key element of the Evangel and diminishing the work of Christ.

Please take a few moments to once more slowly and carefully read the God inspired words of the Apostle Paul above.

James Flanders in an Arizona native who spent much of his life thinking God was at war with him, missing the message that peace had truly been made through the cross of Calvary and the good news was better than he imagined.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Dispensation, Reconciliation, The Fullness of The Times? Nonsense!!!!

In his latest installment in a series of articles supposedly demonstrating God's ultimate plan to save all humanity at the end of the ages, James Flanders is forced to use a so called Literal Translation of the Bible rather than the God inspired 1611 King James (which in my opinion is the only translation which can be trusted. After all, if it was good enough for Jesus and Paul, it most certainly must be good enough for me. Amen!).

I must exercise some restraint at this point. You see, the heretic whom this site blog is dedicated has actually in times past implied that the King James Version is actually inaccurate in it's translating of the word hell. The very idea infuriates me. How could anyone even suggest that there would be any errors in our beloved 1611 version?

In the article below, Flanders quotes from Ephesians chapter 1 (as written in Young's Literal Translation), things which I am most certain are nowhere to be found in the KJV (although I haven't checked yet for myself).

As is typical for heretics, he plants seeds of doubt regarding the validity of the traditions of man and seems to exaggerate the love of God, the goodness of God, and the success of Christ upon the cross of Calvary. He then seems to place too much stock in the words of Paul being taken at face value. However, if we take Paul's words at face value, it would create extreme damage to our doctrine and traditions.

For instance, in the Ephesians passage, Paul speaks of God ultimately bringing "into one the whole in the Christ, both the things in the heavens, and the things upon the earth." This cannot mean what it says, or else it would bring far too much false hope to far too many people and in fact unwarranted hope for all creation, including the fallen principalities, powers, etc. Whoever heard of Christ bringing hope to all humans, much less all created beings?

The author then tries to support this nonsense by quoting from Paul's letter to the Colossians.

As you read the following article for yourself, you will realize that our orthodox traditions do not allow for such a high view of Christ and his bloody sacrifice. The passages cited cannot possibly mean what they say or we would have to conclude that much of what we teach and much of what we fear has no basis in reality. On top of that if these things were indeed true, we would have to re-write all of our Sunday School Curriculum!

Please read the following with caution.

The Fullness Of The Times

Not only is Paul the Apostle the chief of all sinners, but as you read his letters you discover that he is also the chief of writing run on sentences. In Young's Literal Translation of the Bible, in Ephesians chapter 1 we find a sentence which spans from verse 3 all the way down to verse 14. Please take a few minutes to read this sentence slowly absorbing each word.

"Blessed [is] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who did bless us in every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, according as He did choose us in him before the foundation of the world, for our being holy and unblemished before Him, in love, having foreordained us to the adoption of sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, in which He did make us accepted in the beloved, in whom we have the redemption through his blood, the remission of the trespasses, according to the riches of His grace, in which He did abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known to us the secret of His will, according to His good pleasure, that He purposed in Himself, in regard to the dispensation of the fulness of the times, to bring into one the whole in the Christ, both the things in the heavens, and the things upon the earth -- in him; in whom also we did obtain an inheritance, being foreordained according to the purpose of Him who the all things is working according to the counsel of His will, for our being to the praise of His glory, [even] those who did first hope in the Christ, in whom ye also, having heard the word of the truth -- the good news of your salvation -- in whom also having believed, ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of the promise, which is an earnest of our inheritance, to the redemption of the acquired possession, to the praise of His glory. (Ephesians 1:3-14)

Wow! How is that for a full sentence? You could spend a lifetime absorbing the richness of what you just read. Don't you think?

In this article, I'd like you to focus in on one phrase found in verse ten. "in regard to the dispensation of the fulness of the times, to bring into one the whole in the Christ, both the things in the heavens, and the things upon the earth -- in him."

Like the verses we've looked at in previous articles, we have to ask; "Can this possibly mean, what it sounds like Paul is saying? Can it truly be that that ultimately God is going to bring all things in the heavens and the earth together in Christ? Can that possibly mean what it says? Or does it mean something else?"

A key phrase is "fullness of the times."

God is all about working in ages, in times, in eons. In fact, He has laid out specific things He is going to do at certain points in the times. Here Paul says that in the fullness of the times God will gather the whole of the heavens and the earth together in Christ.

When a person dies, that is not the fullness of the times. When an unbeliever stands before God at the Great White Throne for judgment, that is not the fullness of the times. If a person is cast into the Lake of fire, which Scripture refers to as the second death that is not the fullness of the times.

Eventually, the times, the ages, the eons, will end. At that point, Paul tells us that God will bring into one the whole in the Christ, both the things in the heavens, and the things upon the earth -- in him.

A great commentary on Ephesians chapter 1 is found in Colossians chapter 1.

As Paul speaks of Christ he says; "He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross." (Colossians 1:13-20)

Just as Ephesians chapter one is extremely rich, so is Colossians chapter one.

I'd like you to pay special attention to one particular phrase that you just read. "For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross."

What things does Paul claim will ultimately be reconciled to God through Christ? All things!

All things where? All things on earth and in the heavenlies!

When will we see this happen? According to Paul in Ephesians chapter 1, it will happen at dispensation of the fullness of the times.

Let me ask you. Do you think Paul know what he was talking about? Will all things on earth and heaven be reconciled to God? Is the work of Christ on Calvary ultimately greater than the work of Adam in the Garden of Eden? Is Paul missing the point? Or has the church at large been missing the point?

Arizona native James Flanders is a blogger (not a pastor) whose focus is the ultimate triumph resulting from the work of Christ. You can find links to many Bible teachings on his Facebook page:
His audio site is at this address:

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Teaching That God Wills All To Be Saved Is A Heinous Heresy!

I have come across yet more articles from James Flanders which to my eyes are indeed utter heresy.

In his latest installment of heinous ramblings about the so called far reaching affects of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross of Calvary, he ventures into the realm of supposing that it is without doubt the will of God to save and bring to truth all humanity that has ever walked the earth.

Have you ever heard such nonsense? Have you heard anything so contrary to our tradition of limited atonement? How could it be possible that God wills all to be saved, when we know beyond a shadow of doubt that only a tiny few will ultimately be saved from eternal hell-fire!

It seems more than obvious that those who aren't smart enough to make a conscious confession of faith in Christ before death will not and cannot be redeemed. They are beyond the reach of the grace of God. Their free-will choice to not hear, believe, and receive Christ before death will forever put them beyond the loving reach of God.

God may "will" all to be saved, but without doubt the will of man will ultimately keep God from accomplishing His will. Yes God is all powerful! But the free will of man is more powerful than the will of God!

True, there are Scripture passages that seem to imply that God always accomplished His purpose, in fact the above mentioned author quotes some of them in the article below. However, this cannot be the case because tradition maintains that the will of man and the ignorance of man places the final nail in his hell bent coffin.

I could go on and on about the nonsense contained in the following writings, however as you read them for yourself, I am confident you will recognize it for what it is ( It is an elevating of GOD, His will, His desire, and His power to a level that is simply unfitting and out of line with the long held traditional doctrine of the majority and we know that when it comes to Biblical truth the majority rules).

Here is the latest theological sludge from Flanders.


Who Does God Will To Be Saved? Does God Always Accomplish His Will?

Rather than speculating about the answer, let's look at a few passages of Scripture that will give us the answer. First is a short little statement from the Apostle Paul in Ephesians chapter one. It's a phrase which I had missed time and again as I repeatedly read this letter.

"In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will…" (Ephesians 1:11)

That's an amazing statement. God works all things according to the council of His will. Can that be?

Take a look at what God spoke through the prophet Isaiah:

"Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, 'My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,' 11 Calling a bird of prey from the east, The man who executes My counsel, from a far country. Indeed I have spoken it; I will also bring it to pass. I have purposed it; I will also do it." (Isaiah 46:9-11)

If you read the words above slowly and carefully, would you agree that it sounds like God is saying, "What God wants God gets?"

Take a look at Psalm 33 verses 10 and 11.

"The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect. The counsel of the Lord stands forever, The plans of His heart to all generations." (Psalm 33:10,11)

Once more, it sounds like whatever God wills God will accomplish. What God wills will be done.

What about the will of God in First Timothy chapter 2 verse 4? Do you know what it says?

Before looking at this verse, let's get the flow of the passage starting in verse 1.

"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. (1st Timothy 2:1-6 King James Version)

Let's take a look once more at verse 4. As Paul speaks of God he says that He "Will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth."

Pause and think about that. God wills that how many would be saved? God wills that how many would come to the knowledge of the truth?

Some English translations have rendered this verse differently saying that "God desires all to be saved."

If you are wondering what the original Greek word is, here you go.

Thelo: 1) to will, have in mind, intend a) to be resolved or determined, to purpose b) to desire, to wish c) to love 1) to like to do a thing, be fond of doing d) to take delight in, have pleasure

Take a moment to once again read those definitions. A few moments ago you read a passage from Isaiah where God said that whatever He purposes He will do. Do you believe that applies to His ultimate purpose for all people ultimately being saved and coming to the knowledge of the truth? Or is this the one instance where God fails to accomplish His will and purpose? Is the majority of the church missing something by holding to the view of God ultimately failing to reconcile all to Himself?


If you would like to find him on Facebook, here is the link.

Friday, May 31, 2013

"World" Must Mean Only A Few!

In his latest article the heretic and false teacher James Flanders once more attempts to demonstrate that Christ is not the Savior of a few, but is in reality the Savior of All.

Those of us who have been within the church our entire lives know without even having to explore Scripture for ourselves that Christ is only the Savior of a small few. This is what we have always been taught and what we will continue to teach regardless of what anyone might show us from the Scripture. Our creeds and statements of faith will not allow for any other view. Therefore our ears are closed to any who would attempt to teach otherwise.

With that being said, in the new article from the previously mentioned (so called teacher), he uses Jesus interaction with the Samaritan woman at the well and the subsequent response of the people of the city, and their conclusion regarding who Christ is as the basis for demonstrating that Christ ultimately reconciles not just all things on earth, but all things in the heavenlies (the spiritual realm) with God.

He builds his argument in this article based on one statement from John 4:42 which was made by ungodly Samaritans. By the way the statement would have carried more weight with me if it had been made by the Pharisees or other recognized religious authorities, but it was instead made by dirty Samaritans.

Then they said to the woman, "Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world."

The author goes to great length to explain that the word translated as world means more than world. He claims it comes from the Greek word Kosmos (Cosmos), which supposedly refers to all creation.

How can Christ be the Savior of all creation without destroying the doctrine of eternal torment in hell which is so near and dear to my heart (and yours I hope).

In my view the word world actually means much less than the world. If I could re-translate it, I would use the word "few" in its place (regardless of what the Greek supposedly uses) in order to mold the passage to fit my belief system. Doesn't that make more sense?

The Good News is that Christ will only save a small minority whom God the Father predestined beforehand and the rest will burn alive forever and eternally with no hope of relief.

The very idea of the Gospel being better than that is ridiculous nonsense! I have never heard a single sermon in my entire life which has portrayed Christ as being the Savior of All!

I believe that anyone who takes literally the statements about Christ saving/reconciling the Kosmos to God is a dangerous person who will receive the most horrific eternal correction from our loving God.

After all, what could be worse than foolishly proclaiming that God loves all of His creation enough to assume responsibility for it and make things right in the end? The very thought is horrific!

Please read the following article for educational purposes only while keeping your mind as closed as possible, so as to shield yourself from the drivel called universal reconciliation. Or as Flanders is fond of referring to it, the doctrine of Christ being the successful Savior.


Were The Samaritans Correct Or Were They Missing Something?      

In the Gospel of John chapter 4 we read about Jesus interacting with a particular Samaritan woman whose mind was absolutely blown by Christ.

After their talk, she goes into town and begins telling the people about her conversation with the Lord. What was the result? We find out in John chapter 4 starting in verses 39 through 42.

And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, "He told me all that I ever did." So when the Samaritans had come to Him, they urged Him to stay with them; and He stayed there two days. And many more believed because of His own word. Then they said to the woman, "Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world."

What did these people believe about Jesus? They believed that He "is indeed the Christ, the Savior or the World."

They didn't believe He was the Savior of some. Nope, they believed Christ is the Savior of the world!

The word translated as word in this verse is the Greek word Kosmos. Although we looked at this word in a recent article, It might serve us well to look at it again so that we aren't missing anything.

Here is how the word Kosmos is defined by Strong's.

Kosmos: the world, the universe, the circle of the earth, the earth, the inhabitants of the earth, men, the human family, the ungodly multitude; the whole mass of men alienated from God, and therefore hostile to the cause of Christ, world affairs, the aggregate of things earthly, the whole circle of earthly goods, endowments riches, advantages, pleasures, etc, which although hollow and frail and fleeting, stir desire, seduce from God and are obstacles to the cause of Christ, any aggregate or general collection of particulars of any sort, the Gentiles as contrasted to the Jews. I don't know about you, but to me that word seems to be all encompassing. It seems to be, dare I say it, universal! The statement made by these Samaritans paints an amazingly grand and glorious picture of the Only Begotten Son of God than what is painted by most of the religious institutions of the world. It seems these Samaritans, a group looked down upon by the religious establishment of the day held a much higher view of Jesus than the religious professionals then and now.

They said, "Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world."

Realizing that the word translated as world is Kosmos, let me ask you something. If Christ is indeed the Savior of the Kosmos, what could possibly be left out of that? What being in all of creation could ultimately be left out of his work upon the bloody cross of Calvary? It's interesting to me that as John records the words of these people, he doesn't follow it up with a disclaimer. He doesn't explain it away. He doesn't try to limit the work of Christ. He simply lets their statement stand.

Some who believe that Christ is only the Savior of a few might argue that perhaps the word Savior in this verse doesn't truly mean savior. Perhaps this word simply means Jesus intended to save the world or it was His goal, but the free will of man keeps him from ultimately at the end of the ages reconciling all to the Father. OK. Let's look at the word translated as Savior. It's the word soter. Look at how it is defined.

Soter: 1) saviour, deliverer, preserver

Wow! It actually means Savior. Not potential Savior.

So what do you think? We're these Samaritans onto something or were they wrong?

Should John have tried to explain their statement away or is Christ truly the Savior of the world?

A few more quick questions to ponder. If five children were drowning in a swimming pool and the lifeguard only saved one, would you dare call that man or woman the rescuer of them all? Or would you call him one who attempted to rescue them all?

Did Christ succeed at His mission? Or did He fail at His attempt?

Will He ever see the fruit of His labors? Will He receive all that He purchased with His blood?

In the Gospel of John chapter 4 we read about Jesus interacting with a particular Samaritan woman whose mind was absolutely blown by Christ.

After their talk, she goes into town and begins telling the people about her conversation with the Lord. What was the result? We find out in John chapter 4 starting in verses 39 through 42.

And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, "He told me all that I ever did." So when the Samaritans had come to Him, they urged Him to stay with them; and He stayed there two days. And many more believed because of His own word. Then they said to the woman, "Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world."

What did these people believe about Jesus? They believed that He "is indeed the Christ, the Savior or the World."

They didn't believe He was the Savior of some. Nope, they believed Christ is the Savior of the world!

The word translated as word in this verse is the Greek word Kosmos. Although we looked at this word in a recent article, It might serve us well to look at it again so that we aren't missing anything.

Here is how the word Kosmos is defined by Strong's.

Kosmos: the world, the universe, the circle of the earth, the earth, the inhabitants of the earth, men, the human family, the ungodly multitude; the whole mass of men alienated from God, and therefore hostile to the cause of Christ, world affairs, the aggregate of things earthly, the whole circle of earthly goods, endowments riches, advantages, pleasures, etc, which although hollow and frail and fleeting, stir desire, seduce from God and are obstacles to the cause of Christ, any aggregate or general collection of particulars of any sort, the Gentiles as contrasted to the Jews. I don't know about you, but to me that word seems to be all encompassing. It seems to be, dare I say it, universal! The statement made by these Samaritans paints an amazingly grand and glorious picture of the Only Begotten Son of God than what is painted by most of the religious institutions of the world. It seems these Samaritans, a group looked down upon by the religious establishment of the day held a much higher view of Jesus than the religious professionals then and now.

They said, "Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world."

Realizing that the word translated as world is Kosmos, let me ask you something. If Christ is indeed the Savior of the Kosmos, what could possibly be left out of that? What being in all of creation could ultimately be left out of his work upon the bloody cross of Calvary? It's interesting to me that as John records the words of these people, he doesn't follow it up with a disclaimer. He doesn't explain it away. He doesn't try to limit the work of Christ. He simply lets their statement stand.

Some who believe that Christ is only the Savior of a few might argue that perhaps the word Savior in this verse doesn't truly mean savior. Perhaps this word simply means Jesus intended to save the world or it was His goal, but the free will of man keeps him from ultimately at the end of the ages reconciling all to the Father. OK. Let's look at the word translated as Savior. It's the word soter. Look at how it is defined.

Soter: 1) saviour, deliverer, preserver

Wow! It actually means Savior. Not potential Savior.

So what do you think? We're these Samaritans onto something or were they wrong?

Should John have tried to explain their statement away or is Christ truly the Savior of the world?

A few more quick questions to ponder. If five children were drowning in a swimming pool and the lifeguard only saved one, would you dare call that man or woman the rescuer of them all? Or would you call him one who attempted to rescue them all?

Did Christ succeed at His mission? Or did He fail at His attempt?

Will He ever see the fruit of His labors? Will He receive all that He purchased with His blood?

James Flanders is a student and teacher who has spent most of his life missing out on the reality of Christ being the successful Savior of the World. Since he is not a pastor or part of a denomination he is free to tackle issues normally not dealt with in traditional religious gatherings such as the universal impact of the work of Christ on the cross of Calvary.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

John The Baptist Spoke The Truth But It Couldn't Possibly Mean That Jesus Truly Takes Away The Sin Of The Entire World

Once more James Flanders has outdone himself in expressing sheer and unrelenting stupidity.

This morning I found another article in which he rambles on yet again about Christ being a greater Savior than we (the majority) give Him credit for.

The focus of the new article is John the Baptist and the things he spoke regarding Jesus. Primarily the proclamation of Christ being "The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world."

Flanders goes so far as to claim that this statement of John is true to the extreme. He claims that it literally means that Christ ultimately succeeds at taking away the sin of the entire world. Have you heard such nonsense? It goes completely against the unquestionable Calvinist truth of limited atonement.

He then goes further and says that the word translated as world is the word Cosmos. Although I haven't checked the Greek myself, I am positive that this cannot be true and that the author must be lying. Whoever heard of such a thing as Christ taking away the sin of all creation? This type of thinking obviously inflates Christ to a place that is unacceptable to me and my five point doctrine.

Toward the end of this drivel, he then quotes passages from Paul that seem to support his view of God through Christ reconciling all things to Himself, but yet again, this cannot be due to the fact that it is absolutely contrary to the statement of faith I have adhered to since childhood.

Please read the following article with caution because it might (if you are not careful) cause you to see Christ in a light which you have not seen Him in before. It might cause you to elevate Jesus to a place which could be dangerous to your long held beliefs and alter your life. It might give you hope that you have never experienced and alter your live even more. Yet, that hope would be something which I see as unrealistic and not inline at all with what I believe to be the truth of God ultimately in the end saving only a small few while the vast majority are tortured forever in the flame of hell for the glory of God! Amen and amen.

Please proceed with caution and discernment as you carefully read the entire article below from beginning to end.

What If John The Baptist Was Absolutely Right About Christ?

Imagine that the message of John the Baptist regarding Christ is absolutely true. What would that mean for you and me? On the other hand, what if John was wrong in his proclamations about Christ? What would that mean for us? In Matthew chapter 11 Jesus was talking to a crowd of people about John the Baptist. Here is what He said: "What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind? But what did you go out to see? A man clothed in soft garments? Indeed, those who wear soft clothing are in kings' houses. But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I say to you, and more than a prophet. For this is he of whom it is written: 'Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, Who will prepare Your way before You.' Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist." In this passage, not only does Christ refer to John as a prophet, but He calls John the greatest of all the prophets. Let that sink in for a moment.

Now, it seems to make sense that if a person is going to be called a prophet then the message they proclaim would have to be absolutely true. If what John proclaimed was not true, yet Jesus called him the greatest prophet, what would that say about Jesus?

Please think it through. If John wasn't spot on in His proclamations to the people you would have to say he wasn't a prophet, much less the greatest of them. If Jesus had called him the greatest among the prophets, but yet John was wrong in his prophesying, that would mean that Jesus was wrong. If Jesus was wrong in his proclamations about John, what else might Christ be wrong about? I am convinced that Jesus was absolutely correct in calling John the greatest prophet. Therefore I am convinced that his proclamations regarding Christ had to be spot on.

So, what was his big message? You find it in John 1:29. Here it is: "The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, 'Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!'"

You've probably heard those words many times. Do you believe them to be true? Do you believe that Christ is "the Lamb of God who TAKES AWAY the sin of THE WORLD?

Please keep reading.

The word which has been translated as world in our English translations is the word Kosmos.

Here's the way it is used in the King James Bible according to Strong's.

Kosmos: The world, the universe, the circle of the earth, the earth, the inhabitants of the earth, men, the human family, the ungodly multitude; the whole mass of men alienated from God, and therefore hostile to the cause of Christ, world affairs, the aggregate of things earthly, the whole circle of earthly goods, any aggregate or general collection of particulars of any sort, the Gentiles as contrasted to the Jews.

That is an all-encompassing word of universal proportions! What was John's message? "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, the Kosmos."

Sounds like John is saying that Christ takes away the sin of all the inhabitants of the earth living and dead. Is this true? Or was John a false prophet and Jesus just a guy who had no clue what he was talking about when He called John a prophet and said he was the greatest?

The idea of Christ successfully taking away the sin of the Kosmos goes very much against the grain of institutionalized religion, tradition, and orthodox theology. Therefore the simple straightforward message of John is denied by many. It is so difficult for we puny humans to fathom the love of God being such that Christ would even take away the sin of those who hate Him and reject them. What what greater display of mercy, grace, and love could there be than Christ doing that very thing? On the other hand, maybe the word translated as "takes away" actually mean something other than "takes away." After all, there are a few words in our English translations that have been poorly translated. For instance the words that were translated as hell in the King James, and the word Aion which is wrongly translated as forever while at the same time being translated as an age with a definite ending. However, when it comes to the word translated as "takes away" there is no error in translating.

The term "takes away" is translated from the word Airo. Here is how it's defined in Strong's.

1) to raise up, elevate, lift up a) to raise from the ground, take up: stones b) to raise upwards, elevate, c) to draw up: a fish 2) to take upon one's self and carry what has been raised up, to bear 3) to bear away what has been raised, carry off a) to move from its place b) to take off or away what is attached to anything c) to remove d) to carry off, carry away with one e) to appropriate what is taken f) to take away from another what is his or what is committed to him, to take by force g) to take and apply to any use h) to take from among the living, either by a natural death, or by violence i) cause to cease

Looks to me like it literally means "takes away."

So, what do you think about the message of John? Is his proclamation true? Or was he a false prophet? If he was a false prophet who what would that make Jesus? Again, here is the message of John the baptizer.

Behold the Lamb of GOD, who completely lifts up, removes, carries away, takes upon himself, the sin of the world, the Kosmos, the universe, including those who are hostile to him.

I have heard way too many people explain it away and make it much less than what John says. Are they correct in making John a false prophet? Or was Jesus correct in saying John is the greatest among prophets? These are important questions worth our consideration.

Perhaps the love and grace of God is far more sweet than you've ever imagined.
James Flanders is a Bible student and teacher of grace who has explored Calvinism, Arminianism, and traditional orthodoxy. His quest for truth has led him to embrace universal reconciliation.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Angel Was Wrong. James Flanders Is Wrong. I Am Right! The Gospel Is Only Good News For A Few!

Just because the announcement made to the shepherds was "Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be for all people" that doesn't mean that the arrival of Christ was truly good news for "all people."

James Flanders is once again supremely wrong (which you will see clearly as you carefully read the article below my comments).

The reality is that the birth, life, death, and resurrection is bad news (not good tidings) for the vast majority who will burn in hell, eternally and forever being tormented at the hands of our loving and gracious God because they have not heard the good news, or have believed erroneous doctrine such as that presented by Flanders and others like him.

To believe that the Gospel/good news is a good tiding for all humanity has got to be one of the most ignorant and demonic beliefs I have ever heard. Since according to Calvinism God elects and chooses beforehand those who will be washed and cleansed in the blood of Christ and also chooses/elects beforehand those who as an expression of his justice will be forever burned in fire, you must realize that the good news is actually bad news for the majority. Any rational, well informed student of Calvinist thought understands this.

To think for even a moment that the mercy and grace of God would have a universal reach is ridiculous. Adam's sin affected all, but the blood of Christ does not. It was shed only for a very small group called the elect.

As you carefully read the article below from the false teacher and heretic James Flanders you will realize that such simplistic explanations of the announcement of the birth of Christ must without doubt be absolutely false. The message from the angel cannot mean what it actually says!

May the author of the following article and those who adhere to the idea of Universal Reconciliation be damned to the depths of the fiery pit of hell for all eternity for the glory of God, for proclaiming the heresy of superabounding grace. May God receive all praise and glory for electing people such as these to sizzle forever and ever in the flames of hell as an expression of his beautiful character of love and justice.

God must surely hate those who would make his love out to be greater than it truly is. Scripture may declare that "God is love" but that is an infantile, inaccurate, and incomplete view. God must certainly hate many more than He loves.

I pray that you are able to keep from vomiting as you read the wretched article below.

By the way, if the authorized 1611 King James Version was good enough for Jesus, it is good enough for me, and it's renderings must never be questioned or eternal torment will be the consequence.


Good Tidings of Great Joy? For A Few Or For All?

This is the first of several articles in which we will look at passage after passage of Scripture which paint a beautiful picture of God's ultimate plans for humanity being much more than what the religious institutions give God credit for. These are passages that not only reveal the heart of Father being one of love but which also help us to see the glorious, amazing, and far reaching effects of what Christ accomplished on the cross of Calvary and what He is ultimately going to do.

As we look at these passages, please do what you can to set aside any preconceived religious ideas that might cause you to try and explain the simple truth away, keeping in mind that the word Gospel means good news! The Evangel we have been given is to be a message of good news. We have good news to share! Good news to celebrate! Good news we can hope in. Good news we can rest in!
Are you ready? Here we go.

Do you remember what the angel announced to the shepherds on the night of Jesus birth? You've probably heard the passage a million times. In Luke chapter 2 verses 8 through 11 we find what the angel proclaimed. When I read these words, I want to cry because it's so good.

 "Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. Then the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.'"

This was an announcement of very good news. "I bring you good tidings of great joy."
Who were these good tidings for?

This announcement was good tidings of great joy for ALL PEOPLE! It wasn't just for a few. It wasn't for a tiny minority who happened to live in the right geographical location to hear the message at the right point in time. Nope, this is good news for ALL people. I take that to mean all who have ever lived and all who will ever live at any place and at any time.

The angel said I bring glad tidings, good news for all people. Good tidings that will lead to great joy for all people.

Here's the news: "For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord!"

Have you ever heard of anyone needing a Savior? Let me ask you, have you checked the statistics on death for all of humanity? Those statistics are staggering! There is actually a one hundred percent death rate.

From the moment Adam ate the fruit until now, all have been born with death dwelling within. This realization gnaws at all of us. We do all we can to avoid this truth because it's scary. We see death all around us. Some die young some die old, but regardless all people on this planet are in the process of dying and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

If you've lived any length of time, you have closed the lid on at least one casket containing the body someone you love. You have dropped a handful of dirt or perhaps a rose into their grave and choked back the tears. You have experienced the agony and the pain of deep sorrow and grief.

My friend, this angelic proclamation is truly good news! That greatest enemy; The enemy of enemies; Death; It does not have the final say. Death does not win. Love wins!

The Apostle Paul tells us in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 26 that ultimately on the agenda of the babe born in Bethlehem is the destruction of death (which would include the lake of fire defined as the second death in Scripture).

Good news, not only will we be raised from the dead thanks to the sinless One who died and was also raised, but we will be raised up and death itself will be destroyed to no longer gnaw at or instill fear in anyone! Eventually everything is going to change. But right now, we need a Savior and according to the angelic messenger sent from the throne of God's grace we have one. This is good news for all people.

I want you to notice that the angel did not say a potential Savior has been born, which is what religion tends to teach. Religion teaches that Jesus kind of only sort of got part of the saving done. He is the potential Savior of everyone, but it's up to you and me to somehow complete what He didn't finish. We have to do something to merit it.

Think about it. If that were true, Christ could not be called the Savior because we in effect would be saving ourselves through our own effort or merit. This cannot be! Either He is the Savior or we are left to try and save ourselves.

The good news is that our Savior was born and Scripture teaches us that He succeeded at what He came to do. The message Paul the Apostle makes clear to you and me, is that it is all of grace. It is purely a gift given gratuitously to humanity by God. Some believe sooner. Some believe later. But Scripture tells me one day all will be believe. All will bow. All will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. In fact, Paul tells us that ultimately God will be All in All.
James Flanders is a student and teacher of Scripture whose focus is the finished work of Christ and the ultimate/universal reconciliation of God's entire creation through the bloody sacrifice of Christ on Calvary. Although he believes in a lake of fire he rejects the idea of eternal conscience torment. Visit him on Facebook and his website.

Monday, May 27, 2013

James Flanders is WRONG! God Did Not Know Adam And Eve Would Eat From The Tree Nor Was It His Will!

What insane nonsense is it for anyone to claim that God knew beforehand that Adam and Eve would eat from the tree in the midst of the Garden?

What heresy to state that it was part of God's plan and it would ultimately serve a good purpose for the creation of God?

What fool would believe that Romans 8:28 "All things working for the good" would include the "fall" of humanity?

What jackass would believe that when Paul claims that God "works all things according to the council of His will" that "all things" would include the creation of the adversary, the planting of the tree, and the "fall of man."

What ignorant individual would claim that the work of Christ and His obedience, and bloody death on the cross would ultimately carry more weight than the rebellious work of the first man Adam?

The answer? James Flanders!

This fool and those like him (people like Dan Sheridan, Martin Zender, Clyde Pilkington, etc.) have the audacity to teach that church tradition and popular doctrine is wrong.

Imagine the hideousness of such teaching? To even imply that the majority view could be incorrect is sheer folly of the highest degree.

In an article by one of these foolish idiots, the author actually implies that the first man and woman had no way of truly appreciating or understanding the goodness which they were surrounded in when placed in the glorious garden. What nonsense! Of course they would have understood the good within which they lived. How could they not? I know I certainly would!

James Flanders heretical view is that since the tree was called the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil"  the first people actually had no knowledge of either one. Have you ever heard such stupid theological thinking? How is it possible to have no knowledge of good?

Tradition teaches us that the tree was about having their eyes opened to evil. They already had the knowledge of good. They must have. It's all they had experienced. That author whose name I hate to even mention again, but whom this blog is named, insists that the tree and the events that resulted in the eating of it's fruit, was a necessary part of the plan of God (he talks much nonsense about contrast in his audio teachings on the topic of evil). Not only did it not take God by surprise, but that in God's wisdom he had a good purpose in it. HAVE YOU EVER HEARD SUCH NONSENSE, implying that God was and is in control and has full and complete plan as the author and finisher?

What foolishness to believe that God is actually the creator of all  that exists? God having a plan and a purpose for all? How could God have a purpose for the creation of evil?

The fool-hearted author of the article below things he has an idea why evil exists, all I can say is that it could not have been the will of God, which in no way would mean God's will was thwarted.

Although we within the church often use the phrase "God is in control" we know that that can't possibly apply to the creation of evil, or the painful, difficult things that have brought sorrow into our lives.

God's will could not possibly have been carried out in the events that transpired in Eden. I don't care that over and over the author of the previously mentioned article which you can read below repeatedly reminds his readers and listeners that Scripture tells us that God works all things according to the council of His will. That cannot be true.

There must be many things that happen in the universe that have not been part of God's plan or will. What kind of God would God be to have created things as they are?

James Flanders (whom I consider to be a chief among sinners, theological fools, and idiots) has the audacity to claim that Scripture is true regarding it's claims of God's so called sovereignty and God truly being the author and finisher or everything including our faith. Scripture can't possibly truly mean those things, regardless of what it says.

Fools such as this elevate God to too high a position. They raise Christ to a dangerous level of goodness and sufficiency that gives too much hope to a lost and depraved world.

Let me repeat teachings such as those presented by James Flanders elevate GOD to TOO HIGH A LEVEL and raise CHRIST to too high a level in regard to his sacrifice on Calvary.

Those who exalt the love of God, the grace of God, the purposes of God, and the power of God to the level that this man does are a threat to our religious institutions and what we hold so dear.

As I stated in my previous post, our loving and merciful Father who sent his only begotten Son to die for the sins of the world most certainly have a special place of torture where he will forever make these ministers of pure evil writhe in agony as their flesh as eternally seared in flames and as worms devour them without end. This is their just do. For the blood of Christ (though it cleanses of all sin) cannot possibly cleanse of such great sin as taking literally the words of the Apostle Paul when he fool-heartedly claimed that Christ is the Savior of all.

Paul may have called himself the chief of all sinners, but those who claim that Christ will truly reconcile all things in heaven and on earth (even through Scripture teaches it), must surely dethrone Paul from his position of chief of all sinners and place themselves there. These fools who claim it is all about grace an the love of God are making the gospel far better than God ever intended.

Read carefully the article below to get a taste of the bitter fruit of these false doctrines of Christ being greater than our dearly loved institutions give Him credit for.

I pray that your eyes and ears will be open to the truth as you read the following. Try not to gag.

Who Planted That Tree?

Imagine what it would be like for you right now to be whisked away to The Garden of Eden.

For you and me living where we live, in this age, having experienced all that we have experienced, seeing all that we have seen, the thought of Eden is mind blowing.

If we found ourselves there, we would so very much appreciate it. We'd be giddy with delight and singing songs of praise! Since we would be able to contrast it with where we are, right now, we would understand and appreciate Eden as a paradise.

On the other hand, if you've ever read the first few chapters of Genesis you have probably noticed that not even once do we see Adam expressing any appreciation, thankfulness, or praise to God.

Adam was surrounded by absolute goodness, but had no knowledge of that good. He didn't know that perfect health was good, He didn't know that having wonderful tasty fruit readily available was good. He didn't know that having Eve by his side in all of her beauty was good. Because he had nothing to compare it to he could not comprehend the goodness of Eden. So in that Garden, God planted a tree.

It was called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Although that's what it's called, typically we don't see it or understand it as being what GOD calls it. We tend to see it as being the tree of the knowledge of evil, But that's not what it was called. It was the tree of the knowledge of GOOD and evil.

The name of that tree helps us to see that Adam although he was surrounded by goodness, had no clue, no understanding, no appreciation, and no knowledge of it. Because Adam had nothing to contrast good with, he could not comprehend it and therefore had zero thankfulness.

We tend to imagine Adam and Eve being in perfect bliss, totally giddy with joy over their living conditions, but that's because in our imaginations we have a point of reference. We have experienced hardship, pain, sorrow, and grief. But Adam and Eve had no clue.

So God planted the Tree to serve a purpose.

When you begin to understand the purpose, you will begin to see the greatness of God's ultimate plan, and where all things ultimately lead at the end of the ages... the end of the eons. You begin to see that in every respect God's plan was good, and works for the good of all His creation.

The Apostle Paul tells us that God works all things according to the council of His will, which means that what happened in Eden, including what the Adversary would do was part of God's plan from before the beginning. Satan, in his attempts at making a mess of things, which he did from the temporal human perspective, would actually be accomplishing the ultimate will of God. In the same way that later when the Adversary would work so hard behind the scenes to take Christ to the cross, which from the human perspective seemed to be a victory, was actually God accomplishing His redemptive will.

Was God's will thwarted when Christ was crucified? Nope. God's will was accomplished.

Christ Himself prayed in the Garden, "Father if there is any other way, let this cup pass from me, nevertheless, not my will but yours be done."

God's will was done. Christ was crucified. The adversary and his scheming actually fulfilled God's purpose and I'm convinced it was the same in the Garden. Adam having his eyes opened, knowing good and evil, and death entering in was not God's plan gone awry. It was not God's will being thwarted. It was not creation slipping through Father's fingers. It was all part of His grand design which would will eventually take all of His creation in the heavenlies and on earth to a place of appreciation, joy, happiness, and praise that could not otherwise have been experienced.

How could Adam appreciate perfect health when he had no understanding of disease? He couldn't! He had an abundance of food but it meant nothing to him because he had never felt deep hunger, much less a famine.

What we looking back at and imagine as pure pleasure between Adam and Eve who were the perfect physical specimens of manhood and womanhood, apparently it didn't mean much to them. They could not truly appreciate pleasure because they had never known the pain which you and I have known. In Scripture we don't read anything about them expressing thankfulness or having an appreciation for the amazing blessings that they were surrounded with.

The goodness of GOD was not even acknowledged by them. Even though they were immersed in it, it was meaningless.

Adam was incapable of love, adoration, and worship because of what he did not know. So, in the wisdom of God, He planted the tree. The tree didn't just spring up and take God by surprise. The adversary didn't plant it. God planted the tree. True, the serpent came and tempted them and they ate of the tree, but who created the serpent? If his very existence was not part of God's plan, then who or what thwarted the will of God All-mighty? Would not God's will being thwarted make God less than All-mighty?

My friend, what is commonly referred to as the "fall of man" actually set in motion the very forces that would remedy the defect which caused them to eat from the tree in the first place.

The goodness, love, mercy, and grace of GOD could be known through the events that took place.

God is light. However, light can never be known or appreciated without the existence of darkness.

Think about the stars. They are constantly shining. Yet, we can only see them when darkness comes. If it weren't for the darkness we would never see their beauty.

How does this work? It's simple. All things are known through contrast. Contrast is a necessary part of knowing. Without contrast there is no knowing.

Something else, it's obvious, but I have to say it. God did not plant two trees. There was not a tree of the knowledge of good and separate which was for the knowledge of evil. It was one tree because the one cannot be known without the other. We only know good when it is contrasted with evil and vice-versa.

How can a God who is good, who is called love, reveal Himself without contrast? Apparently He can't, so He did things as He did, created what he created for the good of all His creation with the ultimate goal of fully engaging the affection of all His creation.

That's what Paul tells us in 1st Corinthians chapter 15, although He words it a bit differently than that. See if you can find it.

Imagine how much of a drudgery might it have been to forever experience perfect goodness but to never know it. God wants us to know it. That's why He planted that tree knowing exactly what the result would be.

James Flanders is a student and teacher of grace who after many years of Bible study now believes in the absolute sufficiency of the work of Christ which ultimately results in the salvation of all (universal reconciliation).

What Is A Heretic?

The word heretic is defined in the following ways:

A person who holds controversial opinions, especially one who publicly dissents from the officially accepted dogma of the Roman Catholic Church.

(Christianity / Roman Catholic Church) Now chiefly RC Church a person who maintains beliefs contrary to the established teachings of the Church

A person who holds unorthodox opinions in any field
A professed believer who willfully and persistently rejects any part of the doctrine of his or her church.
Anyone who does not conform to an established view, doctrine, or principle.
This blog is going to be devoted to demonstrating that James Flanders is without a doubt a heretic.
His views on what he refers to as the complete and sufficient work of Christ are absolutely contrary to the established traditional truth of the limited atonement of Christ, the salvation of only a few, and the eternal damnation of those who do not receive the gracious and free offer of forgiveness through Christ Jesus.
I see his views regarding the ultimate reconciliation of all things to be contrary to established orthodox church. It seems that he places to much weight on the teachings of the Apostle Paul when Paul speaks of God ultimately becoming all in all and that through Christ God was "reconciling all things to Himself (all things on earth and all things in heaven), and that because of the death of Christ God us not imputing sin to people in this age.
Paul may have written those things, but they surely can't be taken seriously since they are not in accord with the tradition of the church. Tradition and the great thinkers of earlier generations are who we must look to in order to interpret what Scripture is truly saying to us.
I am convinced that he will burn in hell for his deluded belief that all of the references to hell in the God inspired King James Version do not really mean hell. He stupidly says that the words that have been translated as hell actually mean something else. His website is full of nonsense about Christ being the successful Savior. Although I wouldn't recommend listening to him due to the risk of being polluted with thoughts of grace and what he refers to as the ultimate happy ending when all things are set right and death itself is abolished. Can you imagine such utter nonsense? Of course the blood of Christ is sufficient to cleanse all humanity of their sin, however all humanity will not be cleansed. Christ may be called the Savior of All, however we all know (for it has been taught much) that only a few will truly be saved.
Regardless of the fact that the Bible teaches that God is love and that He loves the world, I am certain that God hates fools such as James Flanders and has a special place in the deepest and darkest part of the pit of hell reserved for him. His weeping and gnashing of teeth will be great for teaching such a so called Gospel of Christ redeeming all mankind and undoing what was done through Adam (regardless of what it states in Romans chapter 5 accepted orthodox theology does not allow for such stupid thinking).
Below is an article written by Flanders which quickly displays his ignorance, poor taste, sarcasm and Biblical stupidity.
A Life Altering Dinner Conversation      
Have you ever been confused by the message of orthodoxy? Many people have.

Let me share with you in condensed form, the confusing and somewhat contradictory message which is often presented. Then I will share the response I heard from a non-orthodox person during a dinner conversation a few years ago.

The following is the good news as presented by some.

"The majority of mankind is going to burn in hell forever and ever and ever and only a few will be saved. Every day hundreds of thousands of people are dying and instantaneously being catapulted into the fiery flames of hell where they will be eternally tormented with no possibility of even slight relief much less deliverance. This tormenting and agony will last forever and ever and ever. God unconditionally loves all mankind. There is nothing anyone can do to cause God to love them more and nothing they can do to cause Him to love then less. However, if those poor souls born on the other side of the world or in some remote jungle somewhere are not reached with this good news of the love of GOD, and unless they believe God loves them before they breath their last breath, God has no choice but to cast them into hell to be tortured relentlessly without end, because He is a just GOD. Torturing them forever in fire breaks God's heard because He loves them so much. You must understand that because of the sin of Adam all of mankind was plunged into the condition of being born into sin and death, but yet that condition brought upon them by Adam is the responsibility of each individual. Therefore, the only righteous thing for God to do (GOD by the way, whose mercy is new every morning and who is defined by the Apostle John as love) has no choice but to show no mercy and endlessly torture those who don't have a chance to hear this good news, along with those who do hear but failed to make the right decision before they breathed their last breath. Sadly, their will to not believe God loved them so much trumps God's will to redeem them. It breaks God's heart that he must torture them forever. Jesus did try really hard with His sacrifice on the cross. He tried His best with redemption, but in reality it all rests on the shoulders of humanity to save themselves through an act of their own will. You see, the hard heartedness of man is the problem. True, the Bible teaches that it is God who blinds eyes and hardens hearts but the responsibility for it lies squarely upon the shoulders of each individual. Again, we must repeat that it was Adam's fall that placed all of us under death and sin and true the Bible does say that where sin abounded grace abounded much more, but it apparently only abounds much more for those who hear the message, respond, and then do all the right things for the rest of their life. Although grace is defined as unmerited favor, grace doesn't cover the sins of the poor slob that we Americans didn't reach with this simple and straight forward message of the good news of the loving GOD whose son bled and died for all the sin of the world. Therefore, their damnations is also the fault of those who failed to reach them. On a positive note, there is a loophole for babies who die in the womb as a result of abortion. They are instantly transported into heaven. There is also a loophole for children who make it through to delivery, but only up to a certain age (although no one knows exactly what age). If they reach that age, hear the good news of the loving GOD, but they are too stupid to respond, or fail to get baptized, attend regular services, etc. they are doomed. The blood of Christ the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world doesn't take away their sin. Realize that regardless of whether the unbeliever lived fifteen years or 100 years, the justice of God requires that they burn alive in fire without end for all eternity because that is true justice and the penalty which they deserve for the sin of Adam and their own unbelief (regardless of whether they have heard of Christ or not). Yes, God calls us to love our enemies, bless those who persecute us and to do good to those who spitefully use us. He also tells us not to be overcome with evil but to overcome evil with good. However, that is not the way of God. You see, God's ways are not our ways. In the economy of GOD, eternal torture is good and just."

Some within orthodoxy will add another loophole or two for escaping eternal torment In other words, they add another way of salvation. Such as…

"There is also a loophole for those who are developmentally challenged mentally. If they die, they escape hell because of their poor mental state. However those with physical disabilities do not get the same gracious free ride. Those who are physically disabled must also do a few things to merit the unmerited unconditional love of GOD. They need to repent, be baptized, attend weekly services, etc. in order to receive this absolutely free gift or they will be cast forever alive into fire, where their nerves will be laid raw and the indescribable pain will be relentless forever and ever as we rest in joy on the bosom of Abraham watching them squirm. This is glorious good news! Praise GOD for HIS mercy and grace. What an indescribable gift! True, the Bible tells us that the wages of sin is death and the gift of God is eternal life, but when the Bible speaks of death, it doesn't mean death. It means to be tortured forever and ever in fire. True, the Bible speaks of salvation being a free gift, but there are things you have to do…"

Now let me share with you a paraphrase of the response of a non-orthodox friend who had just been exposed to the confusion above. The following statements were made at dinner with a half dozen or so people around the table.

"What are you saying? You are making no sense! Your message contradicts itself over and over! You're placing a lot of conditions on what you say is unconditional and making up loopholes that I bet you can't find in the Bible. On top of that I don't think you believe what you are saying anyway. If you really believe all of that, why do you protest abortion? Shouldn't you be pro-abortion? After all if a baby is aborted that's a sure way to guarantee that the kid will escape the forever and ever fiery flames of hell and be guaranteed a place on Abrahams chest where he can then watch with glee as his siblings that were born but were too dumb to take the deal burn forever and ever on the other side of the chasm." He went on… "Wasn't there a woman in the news who killed her children so that they would not reach the so called age of accountability? She really believed your doctrine and thought it best to place herself in danger of non-stop eternal hellfire for the sake of being assured her children would never face it. So she drowned them, believing she would instantaneously send them into the so called unconditionally loving arms of God who wills all to be saved and who sent His Son to take away the sin of the world but who according to your doctrine failed miserably and whose act of obedience and its effects pale in comparison to the far reaching effects of Adam when he ate the fruit in the garden. What if you are missing something? What if Jesus was actually a success? What if He really is THE SAVIOR rather than a potential Savior? What if you really have good news to share with the world? What if God loves people more than you ever imagined and you are called to love them in the same way whether they believe yet or not. Doesn't your Bible say that one day every knee will bow and every tongue confess to the glory of God the Father? Doesn't it say something about God becoming all in all? Doesn't it say something about God reconciling all things to Himself?

When he finished, everyone sat quietly at the table, not sure what to say.

James Flanders is a student and Bible teacher whose focus is the grace of God and the successful work of Christ in redemption. Here are links to him on Facebook and YouTube.

He's not a Calvinist (what fool wouldn't be). He's not an Arminian (I suppose I can understand that). He holds to the idea of Universal Reconciliation (how demeaning to Christ to elevate the Lord to such a high level of success in His sacrifice upon the cross of Calvary).